Friday, March 18, 2011

First Blog Giveaway Winner!

Hello everyone and THANK YOU for participating.  All of the lovely comments truly made my heart soar.

As directed by my wonderful Ustream viewers, I went to, plugged everyone's name that left a comment into a list and hit ENTER.  Here are the results:

Congratulations to GodsMixedMediaGirl, You are the WINNER!!!!!

Please e-mail me your information and I will send you your prize:

Again, thank you all for participating.  This was so much fun, I will be doing it again.

As always, thanks for looking!


  1. OH MY GOSH! ARE YOU KIDDING?! I AM SO EXCITED! Ok enough of the caps but if I could have screamed that I would. Oh my goodness thank you! Love you and God bless!

  2. WOOO HOOOO YEA MELISSA!!!! You lucky dog you!! That is just beautiful!!! *huggles* =0)

  3. Wow.. that is a very nice prize to be won :) Lucky girl. :):)

  4. Melissa-

    Congrats on winning that great prize. Ketsia does great work. You are a lucky girl. :)
